In large part, Aaron Rodgers is to blame for the rise in ayahuasca popularity. It has gained a lot of traction in the entertainment and sports industries.
Primarily because it appears to benefit a great deal of trauma survivors. In light of this, Jordan Poyer, the top safety for the Buffalo Bills, reportedly used it to assist himself in kicking an alcohol addiction.
It is said that Poyer had a problematic drinking habit while attending college. That persisted far into his NFL career, according to The Athletic’s Dan Pompei. But his performance on the field was never impacted by his drunkenness. However, it did not help his marriage at all.
By the time Jordan Poyer signed a contract with the Bills, his drinking had gotten out of control. For a brief high, he would finish a six-pack of IPAs in 20 to 30 minutes. Going dark was a common occurrence. Although his actions put his marriage to the strain, he and his wife Rachel were drawn to one another like a north pole to a south pole.
Alcohol became such a nasty habit for the Bills’ safety that his wife would take it out of the house. However, he would find some way, and she would discover Poyer hidden in strange places in order to consume alcohol. After Buffalo’s playoff loss to the Houston Texans in 2019, things became even worse.
“‘I’d find him drinking in crazy places, like under the bathroom cabinets, hidden like a child,’ Rachel says.”
The star of the Bills saw how his drinking was interfering with his wife. Jordan Poyer thus attended Alcoholics Anonymous. Poyer eventually looked to ayahuasca to aid him in his sobriety path. “He found Resonance, a retreat center perched atop a hill in Costa Rica with views of the Monteverde cloud forest and the Pacific coast.”
Jordan Poyer talked about his ayahuasca experience. It sounds really interesting, at the very least.
“For a good two minutes at first, it felt like my soul had left my body. Some attempt to manage it, but you are unable to. I figured it out in about five or ten minutes. For the medicine to be effective, the ego must perish. We only need to breathe in order to release ourselves and allow the medication to function as intended.
The star of the Bills says he witnessed “the highest version of himself.” He was effectively given a lecture about his life’s circumstances by that higher authority. In his vision, Jordan Poyer talked about everything he was worried about or simply wasn’t grateful for.
“Jordan, look at your life, bro—what are you mad at?,” was essentially what he was saying. I was not enjoying anything, not my wife, my daughter, my family, or my house, so it was exactly what I needed to hear. Everything revolved around me and my desires.
Poyer was put back on the correct track by that encounter. Jordan Poyer no longer consumes alcohol, and the ayahuasca improved his outlook on life. Thus, his marriage was spot on. He’s also emerging as a vital leader for this Bills group.
Ayahuasca still raises many questions. It can also be contentious because, technically speaking, it is a type of hallucinogenic drug. However, a growing number of people, including Jordan Poyer and Aaron Rodgers, are saying that ayahuasca has improved their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Thus, perhaps there is significance to it.
It’s remarkable how Poyer improved things, at the absolute least. This is the kind of ayahuasca story that ought to be coming to pass more often.
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