Mark Davis Doesn’t Own the Silver Black After His Father Passing

To put it mildly, Las Vegas Raiders owner Mark Davis is a divisive character. However, it appears that there is a sequence of circumstances in which, after his father’s death, he does not wind up being the owner of the Silver and Black.



Under Mark, the Raiders have had some tumultuous moments on and off the field. For several supporters, the team’s relocation from Oakland to Las Vegas remains a bittersweet moment in their past. The club hasn’t had much luck on the field either.


It’s a far cry from what 20th-century legend Al Davis went through—three Lombardi Trophies, in case you missed it. But his last years were a downward trajectory.


The senior Davis considered selling the team—the controlling interest—with only a few years left in his life. Thanks to Hondo Carpenter’s podcast, former CEO Amy Trask—a Raiders legend in her own right—spoke out earlier this week about what almost happened.



“Let’s just sell the entire group. Just let’s divest the majority stake. Just let’s get it sold. Let’s put an end to it now. It’s difficult for you to do this. You have to find us money all the time. All you’re doing is searching far and wide for this. Let us simply sell the entire thing. Davis was obviously over it by the time he passed away.



But Trask argued otherwise. Ever the dependable executive, she secured the funding required to facilitate Mark’s takeover. Still, everyone knows that Trask left the Raiders in 2011 due to a turbulent relationship.





Since all of this happened years ago, most fans probably don’t care about it anymore, regardless of how much they like Mark’s work. Still, what happens if the team is acquired by another group or owner? Is the relocation to Las Vegas still planned? Whatever you think of him, the Raiders have grown to be among the most valuable teams.







We are now waiting to find out if on-the-field results will start in 2024.



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